God Bless America 09/11/2001
VIBRATION ANALYSIS: Vibration analysis is similar to taking a stress test on the human body. Each unit of equipment has a different signature similar to humans. The vibration spectrum shows the areas of stress and undue energy similar to a stress test on a human. Vibration programs trend changes at different locations along the units to predict problems. VIBRATION ANALYSIS: In gear reducers, vibration analysis can determine misalignment, unbalance, mechanical looseness, eccentric shafts, gear wear, broken teeth, and bearing wear. In electric motors vibration analysis can determine misalignment, unbalance, mechanical looseness, eccentric rotors, bearing wear, loose rotor bars, and poor end turn connections. Vibration analysis can be applied to all rotating equipment, ( from less than 1 rpm to 10000 rpm and above) these include electric motors, fans, machine tools, paper machines, turbines, conveyor belt drives, pumps, air-compressors, motor-generator sets, reciprocating engines, rolling mills, and mining equipment from long wall shearers to continuous mining machines. MASSEY TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC: At Massey Technical Services, LLC we provide you with complete health care of you equipment. We have completed analysis on 1 rpm (100 ft) communication antennas to 5000 HP 900 rpm motors. We also work with variable speed drive units on production lines. We use SKF and Commtest data collectors. Information on SKF equipment and bearings can be found at www.skfcm.com and www.skf.com. Information about Commtest can be found at www.commtest.com . Key Benefits
INFORMATION REQUESTS: Please E-mail lmassey@ma.rr.com
Service provider www.NETWORKSOLUTIONS.com. Send email to lmassey@ma.rr.com
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